Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bluebonnet Photos 101 - Austin Child Photographer

Here's another bluebonnet sneak peek.  While I am sharing these pictures, I thought I would also share a couple of helpful hints for getting a great bluebonnet picture of your kids.  Enjoy!

1. Luck out with great cloudy weather like I have had all week! Haha - of course cloudy weather isn't always available, but it does help a lot for bluebonnet pics.  The bluebonnets do not like to grow in shade, they like LOTS of sun, so it is often hard to find shade to take pictures in. (Ever wonder why kids are usually squinting in bluebonnet pictures? Now you know why...) You can take the picture backlight, but that is a little more complicated - so waiting until close to sunset or for a cloudy day will help tremendously. 

2. Bring along something for the kids to sit on.  Sitting right down in a bluebonnet field can be pokey and dangerous.  Bring along a stool or blanket that will blend in well and offer some protection.  You will have MUCH happier and cooperative kids.

3. Bring along treats.  This comes in SO handy right as the kids get fed up with posing for you.  Offer them a little sugar and they usually perk right up! 

Happy picture taking!!



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