Sunday, February 28, 2010

Belated Valentine - Child Photographer Cedar Park & Leander

On Adalyn's first Valentines Day I started a new tradition (even though I didn't know it was a tradition at that time). I took a picture of her and used it to make a Valentines Day card for my husband. Last year, I decided to do the same thing because it made a cute card and because I liked the idea of capturing her at the same time of year every year to mark her growth. I actually blogged about it here.

This year, our Valentines Day session was a little delayed because of all the cold weather, but we finally got it done. I think I can now officially say it is a tradition. (YAY! I love traditions - even though I am horrible at keeping up with them.)

This year marked Aubrey's first Valentines session - I love that girl so much.
Her smile lights up her whole face.

Photographers children, I have heard, are particularly difficult to photograph (especially for their photographer parent). Adalyn used to love to pose for my camera, but those days are now gone. Maybe it is because she sees the camera in front of my face too much, but now she just acts like there is no camera, nothing special going on and she WILL NOT look at me. UGH! I am going to have to come up with some new tricks for the future. Luckily I managed to capture this truly genuine smile. THAT is my baby girl - 100%.

More pictures from this session to come soon..... :)

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